In this blog, I am going to talk about work-life balance. I’m just actually going to say that there is no such thing as a perfect work-life balance.

When you think about it you’ll probably agree because everyone is trying to figure out how to do it the best way and it’s supposed to be perfect and there is no perfect work-life balance. Work-life balance or balance in life is always up and down, and up and down and if you’re always striving to get it perfect you are going to miss life because it’s going to happen on the side of you while you are trying to get the perfect part of it.

Like I said there is no perfect part of it so what should you do instead?

What I hear from so many of my clients is that they talk about missing out on this work-life balance and they’re trying to figure out how to get it perfect.

We’ve talked a lot about it and what we talked about to do instead is to strengthen your resilience because there are going to be hardships in life and don’t try to avoid the hardship because eventually, it’s going to catch up on you, sooner or later.

If you deal with things when they come and you just make a pause and you listen to your body or to your mind when things get out of hand then you can make the right decisions instead of just going into an automatic, you could almost call it a misbehaviour because you do things that really are not effective and they’re not gonna serve you any good. You just do things, get frustrated and maybe you even get angry or become a person you don’t want to be. So how can you do that? 

Well you know when things get tough take a short break and contemplate. Think of what you’re doing and what’s going on and how you’re going to get through the situation. You know I always talk about getting yourself ready for your life by taking good care of yourself. And I’m talking about sleep food and exercise as always.

Regular sleep, regular food, good food, and a regular exercise every day. Because then you’re strengthening your body and if you have a strengthened body your mind will also be strengthened.

You know I’ve talked about that a lot that physical activity is not just good for your muscles, it’s also so good for your brain. So start taking care of yourself.

Don’t try to find the perfect life because it doesn’t exist. Be happy with what you have and say “this is good”, and when it comes to the things that you need to do to fix the problems that crop up in life, just go ahead and do them and get it out of the way.

I understand that everything is not perfect and I understand that’s some things you really don’t want in your life and then you have to deal with that instead of trying to figure out how to get it perfect because you’re working in the wrong end of things.

So try to work for what you really want and for the good stuff.

When things happen that are not in favor for you just see it as a chance to learn about it and then move on.

I hope this will bring some good thoughts in your heart into your everyday life and I don’t want to take away your hope of having the best life because I still want you to have the best life.

But there is no such thing as the perfect life.

I’ve never met anyone who said that their life was perfect because if you scratched the surface there are other things that are not perfect or that good that they say but you can have a very good life by accepting what’s going on and doing your best with it.

Good luck with this and if you need help with your stress issues or you’re trying to not try to find the perfect life but the good life then just click the link below and connect and we’ll talk about it.

Click here to book a chat with me.

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Til next time.

Thank you and good luck.