Keep on walking for a great 2012

Walk, relax and enjoy

Today is December 27th. Christmas Holidays has just passed and we are waiting for New Year’s Eve. For us up north it is the cold season and it is nice to sit inside in a cozy warm house.

This is a time well suited for reflection. Reflection of what you want to do ahead – in your work and in your private life. To reflect on the year that passed and reflect on the year ahead. I am not talking about exact actions you want to take next year. I am talking about your dreams and wishes for the future. Your longtime goal in life and your vision.


Increase your lifetime by physical activity

Hi and welcome to my blog

This is the first post in my blog. I will write news every week – please share your thoughts about the subjects. I am looking forward to an interesting discussion on how to stay healthy, feeling well and be prosperous. Feel free to share your experiences. Everything I write is scientifically explained – I only work within my medical license.