In this episode, I’m going to talk about something that you have probably seen many times before. I’m gonna talk about what you would call a test.

Imagine I have a bottle of milk in my hand right now and it’s fair to say it’s not really heavy and it’s not that hard to carry around with me.

Like I said I wouldn’t say it’s heavy but if I keep carrying this around all day, every day do you think it will feel heavy after some time? I’m Sure you’ve seen this analogy before but this is a good reminder for us.

If you keep carrying even small stuff for a very long time it gets heavy whether you want to believe it or not.

It’s still the same. I mean this milk bottle I have in my hand is just still the same size and same weight, but, tomorrow I would say it’s a disaster to keep carrying it around in my hand all the time because it will feel heavy and the same applies to almost all other things in our lives.

You don’t have to carry around stuff that on the surface is a small thing but underneath it bugs you terribly. If it bugs you all the time it is a big burden on your brain even if it’s just a small thing.

Most people, all of us, even I have lots of little things that I really don’t want but I don’t really get rid of them because I’m lazy or because it’s sometimes hard. Sometimes, you even have to more or less hurt people if you want to get rid of certain things or even people out of your life.

The plus side of this is that you are going to feel so much more relieved and relaxed when it’s done because then that burden is gone. You can now go and start putting your energy into something else and maybe if that something else is another problem that’s dragging you down then you can take that away too because we do have a lot of stuff in our brains that we really don’t need to have there.

It’s much better to make room for the things that are important for us, the things that we want to carry around and the things that we deliberately put there because we want them.

Some of the things to let go of or remove from your life could be things like arguments with people that you have in your workplace. You are getting them annoyed with someone every everytime you see them. Just little things but it’s always there. If you can solve that by talking to that person and getting some kind of solution whether it’s something that you like the best or they like the best it only matters that it’s something that you agreed together that this is how we’re going to have to deal with whatever the issue it.

If you do that with all the little things that are bugging you or nagging your stress is going to go away so much.

What I suggest that you do is to start writing down when you get that feeling of something that’s is not right for me or there is something in this situation that I do not want.

You write it down and as soon as you write it down you’re going to see it so much clearer because your brain will take it in in a much easier way when you can see it, not just feel it. This is because feelings, they kind of make your thinking vaguer and you need to have clear thoughts when you’re going to deal with stuff that is hard to deal with.

You want to be clear and accurate in your mind.

This quick and easy process is going to help you so much in feeling better, getting more energy for what you really want to do and not feel that much stress anymore because it is like I said with this milk bottle: if you keep carrying it around it’s going to be heavy, even though it’s not that heavy to begin with.

So take your paper and start writing down all the little things that you want to change and change them. Don’t carry around stuff and thoughts that you don’t want to have because it gets a burden even if they are just small things and if you want help with this if you want to discuss this with me then just reach out in the link below and we will connect and talk about it.

Click here to book a chat with me.

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Til next time.