









Do you get tired hearing about running, workouts and all the things you should be doing? Even though you already know you should be doing those things

The Mirror tells you, you should. The press is full of pictures of slim and fit young people (and a couple of older people too) and you just want to scream: “THIS IS NOT ME. I just feel old and tired and I know I should be doing something. But how?”

I’m here to tell you that you can. Maybe not have their bodies but be energized and get stronger. It’s actually never too late to do this. You can even lose some weight, fit into your old dress and stop being sore and aching within your muscles.

Let me show you a simple way.

I’m Dr Annika and I help female business leaders just like you find the easy ways to get rid of stress – in all walks of life. I help you get your life back.

In my free training which you can access by clicking the link below this post, I’ve got even more advanced information about physical activity. Physical activity is actually a very specialist subject and has a special secret I’ll tell you about a little later on.

I’ve met hundreds of clients struggling with trying to be active and it just doesn’t work for them. I can imagine you may be  struggling too.

The way the press and other commercials present this issue is by using super slim and extremely fit young people. People who look like they just do fitness training all day long. They do their thing in a fancy gym and eat all sorts of pills to enhance the effect of their training. I get tired of looking at them and I’m sure you do too.

I am sure most of their strategies have a great effect and most of it can be seen as healthy. But that’s a total non-familiar environment for people in general – people like you and me.

“When it feels like you’re an alien in the environment it’s not easy to start moving your tired stressed body out of there.”

There’s other ways that are much easier but just as good. Let me tell you about one of my clients, Johanna, and what she did. It’s very cool and you can do it too.

I met her at a network meeting and we talked about physical activity. She looked very tired and was a little overweight but definitely not fat. She said she was stressed out and she’d started to take half-hour walks with a friend three times a week but was always exhausted afterwards instead of being more energized. I suggested she could take 3 five minute walks and do it each day instead of trying the long ones.

Four weeks later she called me. She had a happier tone and was very satisfied because she’d taken my word for it and changed her approach to her exercise. She’d started ding repeated short walks that didn’t completely wear her out.

Now she does 15 minutes a day, in one go, every day and could feel the energy returning. She wanted to consult me for her whole stress situation as she’d got her hope back. IT IS POSSIBLE!

Johanna worked with me for 6 months. Most of the time it was about getting her energy going and we did lots of  work around activity.

Like I said earlier, physical activity is a special chapter on its own. It’s connected not only to better function of the muscles but it gives you better function of the brain. You exercise your brain. It’s scientifically proven to improve many other things too. Here’s a list;

  • Cardiovascular system and blood pressure
  • Blood sugar and Cholesterol
  • Muscles and Joints
  • Stress and Depression
  • Weight
  • Pain
  • Thinking and general feeling of well being

As you can see, physical activity is much more than just being fit. It actually affects every cell in your body. I believe knowing how much it can benefit  you makes it easier to get yourself to do the small things you need to do to get great results.

In part two we’ll cover the three steps I guided Johanna through to maximise her energy and boost her strength!

See you there,

Almost forgot, but here is the link to get my free training on physical activity.
