Why taking a vacation is important

Why taking a vacation is important

Why is taking a vacation important?

“Who said it is? I don’t need one, I’ve got no time for one because I’ve got lots of things to do.”

Well, while I admire your work dedication, I worry about your body and stress levels.

I’m sure that everyone longs for vacation or at least free time for themselves, but not everyone takes one.


Because they think that if they take one, then they wasted a lot of time since instead of being on a vacation, they could be working.

But don’t you know that if you don’t take breaks at least once in a while, your body or your mind will sooner or later give up because of feeling so overwhelmed?


Yes, in fact, it is actually life-saving to take breaks.

“Okay, that’s too much. No one dies because of not taking a vacation or not taking breaks.”

Yes, true. No one, at least not directly, but a lot of people die from too much stress, and too much stress can be lessened by taking breaks.


Stress is when demands are higher than what you can do when you have too much to do that you feel like it’s never-ending and you always feel like chasing around in that hamster wheel; or maybe it’s too hard to do, just a few tasks but you have no idea how to get to the end of it.

Truth is, we all have normal levels of stress always present in our body because it’s part of our normal biology and without it we’re dead. 

Read that again. I said, “NORMAL” stress levels. So they are supposed to be in that state only.

But different situations arise, which then makes the number of our stress levels go up and down, and when it’s too high, that’s the only moment we feel it or get the symptoms like headaches and irritability.

When the stress levels go up, the immune system goes down. When the immune system is down, it’s easier to get sick.

So yes, again, the basic way which is taking breaks, or a vacation, can SAVE A LIFE.


If you think that a vacation is still out of reach, then the technique is taking regular breaks over the day.

Stand up from your desk, jump or dance around a little, sing, jog, exercise, or do anything that you feel like doing as long as you take a break…

Because it helps your brain and system with stress hormones. Is it getting too high? Take a breather and give it time to go down.

Once it’s back to its normal levels, you’ll be surprised at how productive you can be because you feel great.


Despite all the above-mentioned, one solution is always not best for all because of personality differences. 

Some people don’t like moving, and you’ll be surprised at how they deal with their stress levels.


Okay, I’ll elaborate.

They ACCEPT. They set their minds and give themselves personal affirmations like:

“Okay, today is a long day and I’m gonna do something so hard but I will do my best to get it done. It will take longer than the usual but it’s okay and it will be done in time.”

This plus breathing and a positive mindset save their day. 

You can choose and use which suits you best, or try mixing it up!

After all, what’s important here is being able to control and manage your stress levels properly, so that you feel LESS STRESS, GET MORE THINGS DONE RIGHT, FEEL GOOD, and in the end, HAVE MORE REVENUE BROUGHT BY YOUR POSITIVITY!

So, if now’s a good time…


Start empowering your mind in my free e-book right here.

To your success and keep smiling,


If you’re a business leader who travels a lot just like me, then you’ll know just how stressful it can sometimes feel. Something as simple as being away from your normal business location can wear you out and make you even more tired than normal.

I do an awful lot of travelling around the world to see many of my clients. But also to attend speaking events and for my own self development too. I’m a firm believer you have to invest in yourself if you want to teach others what you know.


My USA book tour – a fun adventure!

The second half of March I spent in USA.

The first four days I was attending one of my favorite business mentors Brendon Burchard´s event High Performance Academy, held in Santa Clara CA. This teaching is about personal development and in very many senses this is part of what I teach too. It is about how to find the best you, a less stressed out version of yourself. I got some good ideas for the future – watch out for it ahead …….

Dr Annika at HPA

After the course, I headed towards Denver for my book tour. The tour got short, just one stop because we were late in the marketing.

Anyway I was to speak at the monthly meeting of the US-European network in Denver where SACCcolorado had the turn to arrange the program for March. That fitted well with my time in town. I came two days early and had a chance to walk a lot downtown Denver. It was such a nice place – I love the modern architecture with lots of glass side by side to old small houses.
