Small steps leads to big results!

2012 is a month old. Only eleven month to go. What do you want to fill it with? Did you set your goals during the Holidays? Did you make a lot of promises about your health a month ago? Are you keeping up with them?  If not, now is the right time to set the conditions if you want to make it the best year ever.

One of my promises to myself was to keep my desktop more cleared from irrelevant paper and other stuff. So far this works fine and I find that I work much more efficient.

It might seem like a small thing when talking about making the best ever year. But it is all these small steps that make the big progress. This small step eased my stress a lot and it gives me more time for more important work – like contacting clients.

I have always known that a cleared desktop gives fewer disturbing signals to my brain but I have not had the right motivation to deal with this before. Being a doctor I still get a flood of paper post every week and it just drains my energy. Now I finally have arranged a system with 3 boxes – one for “unread material”, one for “maybe keep or keep for a while” and one for “keep and waiting to be sorted into my ordinary paper systems”. Such a simple solution – I wonder why I didn’t fix this earlier – it is such a relief.

I have always told my clients to do what I just did. Organize their desktop. It is much easier to see what other people need and can do. A lot of stressed leaders have tremendous amounts of papers and other things on their desks. It is a wonder that they find what they need.

Organizing your desktop will be the tip of the week. The costumers that have done their lesson always have told me how good this idea is. This is really a great thing for your health too. Now I challenge you – how much time will you save by organizing your desktop?

If you need to discuss your desktop or other vital things with someone I can – for free – offer you a 20 minute call with a focused interview to help you see what you need the most. Send a note and I will get back with more information.

Happy organizing!