Daily I get questions about stress. Why am I feeling like this? What can I do about that? I feel my heart beat – is that dangerous? How can I get out of this stressful situation? What would you do, Dr Annika? What is stress – really? And it goes on like this………


Of course I don’t have the answers to ALL these questions. But some I can answer or reflect around and help the person feel a bit relieved. Some of the questions only the person who asks has the answer to. What I can do is to guide them towards their own answer, which is what coaching is all about.

To me stress are the physical signs in our body, the stress reaction. It has little to do about how much we have do or what we do. It is about the feelings and reactions in our bodies towards what we do or not do. These signs are good for us in one way. They tell us about an upcoming potential danger. On the other hand the system was designed for us when we were living on the savanna or in the caves where only 3 reactions were purposeful – fight or flight or play dead. So the system does not always work in favor for us but it may instead harm us.

For me personally this happens mostly when I need to do something I feel is very hard to do. The stress makes me slow, my brain slows down and nothing gets done and I feel a discomfort in my body. Or I make a lot of mistakes that I have to correct afterwards. And I get grumpy and feel anger. If I don’t get out of it I start losing my confidence, get a headache or stomachache. And in the end my gremlins keep telling me I am not good enough. Not nice at all.

Have you ever experienced that? I guess you say yes but you maybe get other feelings or use other words for it.

Today I mostly help people one-on-one but I am in the process of making an online course to be able to help more people.

I would love to have your help with this. Please write a few words or sentences in the comments below what stress is for YOU! It would be of great help so I can make my course the best for you guys. If you would like to help even more you can take my short “What is stress to you”-Survey. It will only take around 5 minutes. Just send a quick note here and I send the link to you. Thank you so much for your help!

To your Success and Keep Smiling!

Dr Annika