Walk, relax and enjoy

Today is December 27th. Christmas Holidays has just passed and we are waiting for New Year’s Eve. For us up north it is the cold season and it is nice to sit inside in a cozy warm house.

This is a time well suited for reflection. Reflection of what you want to do ahead – in your work and in your private life. To reflect on the year that passed and reflect on the year ahead. I am not talking about exact actions you want to take next year. I am talking about your dreams and wishes for the future. Your longtime goal in life and your vision.

How do you find your vision and your goals? Here is a tip: Get out of the warm house and take long walks with your wife/husband/friend/whatever and discuss what you find important and how you want to live your life and run your business. Also listen to the ones you share your everyday life with. Always carry a small notebook and pencil so you immediately can write down important things that come out in the open. When you get back from the walk you put the notes in a box and let them lay there unattended. The rest of the day is for relax and enjoy. Repeat this every day during your days off and by the end of the week you will have a nice pile of notes.

Now is the time to see what is going on in your head. Take all the notes and read them and organize them one way or the other. Now take one more walk and discuss the notes with yourself or with someone you trust. This is the time to ask the question: Where am I heading? What is important and how shall I move on? I am sure you now know much better what your path will be.

This method has not cost a penny and if you feel you need a consultant to help you ahead it will be clear from the start what help you need. And the best of it all – you have used your muscles and trained your heart without even thinking of workout. You have done good things for your health while reflecting on you situation and still got good time for relax and enjoy.

This method is called “Walk and Talk” and it can be used in all conversations for better result. The thing is that you use both sides of the brain if you walk and talk at the same time. Moving your muscles helps the brain to come up with more splendid ideas. Can it be better?

If you have questions around this feel free to ask – or feel free to put in a comment.

Wishing you the best for the rest of 2011 and wishing you a fantastic 2012.

Dr. Annika Sörensen