With Better Globe you contribute to a better world while Better Globe
doing good and making money at the same time!

Today’s blog text is different from what I usually write. At first I was thinking this is not about health at all but I soon changed my mind. This is really about health – global health. Then I thought at least it is not about my  or your personal health – but it is too. These issues affect our minds – for good or for bad – and that affects our mental health. Tomorrow I will go to Kenya and see poverty in the eye.

Global net loss of forest, extreme poverty and lack of education are the three main problems in the world today.

I have supported different aid-organizations with money for these issues during my whole life, but often having a feeling it doesn’t help in the long run.

Then I was introduced to Better Globe. This was in 2008 and for the first time I found a way to help making permanent change to the people getting the help.

Better Globe are primarily involved with forestry projects—planting trees and establishing tree plantations in the arid semi-desert areas where nothing grows or is cultivated today. Better Globe are creating jobs and developing small and well-functioning communities. Better Globe helps the whole community and they give help in all three of the main global problems. A holistic thinking just like I like it. A self-help at its best.  As a positive side effect I get a return on my investment in the trees –  a real win-win  system.

I decided in 2008 to support and help Better Globe to grow and make it possible for us to reach Better Globes goal of planting 5 billion trees. It is a big goal but together we can get there. For every tree planted today around the world, 28 are cut down somewhere else. I am told that Sweden is the only country in the world planting more trees then we cut down.

Today I own a lot of trees and I aim to be a big “tree-owner” making it possible for me to give huge help to the local people. 5 % of all profit from my business will go to Donation packages in Better Globe.

Better Globe arranges a trip to Kenya every year for interested customers. Tomorrow I will go there and have a close-up look on how Better Globe works locally. I am so excited; I have never been to Africa before.

I have made preparations for this trip for a long time, getting vaccinations, packing a first aid kit, getting money exchange, packing my clothes and so on. Tomorrow is the big day.

The planning and looking forward to this trip has been giving me a very nice feeling. It has made it easy for me to stand all the everyday annoyances knowing I have something exciting to look forward to. As you might remember from my text last week the positive thinking and mood is essential for good health.

To summarize:

It’s easy to contribute to Better Globe and it makes a huge difference to the people in Africa. It is also profitable in several other respects. It is profitable for the environment and thus for our planet. It is profitable for self-esteem to help those who are less well off. Furthermore, it is economically profitable for those who choose to contribute to Better Globe.

Do you want to contribute to this fantastic project too? Take a look here! Take a look at the movie on the start page. It is only 4 minutes long and it will show you a completely different way to help.

Feel free to get in contact when you want to start to contribute to Better Globe and make money at the same time. I will be glad to assist you to be a Donator and Tree owner too.

And don´t forget – today is Valentines Day – a day to think about the ones you love. Doing so is good both for your heart and for your mind.

Keep smiling!